Girl Makes Fire: Holistic Business Tools for Solopreneurs with Deborah C. Smith

#19 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

June 26, 2024 Deborah C. Smith Season 1 Episode 19

If you've ever thought, "But why would anyone work with me when they could work with [fill in name of already wildly successful person in your niche]?"

Or how about, "Will people take me seriously if I don't have a degree in this?"

Or my favorite, "I can't talk about this on social media, I have no idea what I'm doing!"

Any of those sound like you? 

If you answered yes, not only are you not alone, but you're in the company of just about every single entrepreneur, business owner, artist, author, maker, or creator who's ever lived! 

Imposter syndrome gets us all, and so the best we can do is develop the tools and resources to see it for what it is - a mental construct - and overcome it. 

In this episode you'll learn:

  • what exactly is imposter syndrome and what triggers it
  • how to normalize it so you can stop it in it's tracks 
  • 4 tips to overcome these thoughts so they won't hold you back 

The following tools have helped me over and over again, and I'll share a bit about how and why:

1. Acknowledge it - give it space, look it in the face.
2. Normalize it and reframe the core trigger.
3. Get creative and prove your fears wrong!
4. Seek community and feedback from peers to help you see from a new perspective.

If you're feeling afraid to take action on some part of your business, and you think your imposter syndrome might be kicking in, then give this episode a listen and use these tips!

The Doors to Summer Camp for Solopreneurs close on Friday, June 28th at 11 pm! If you want to grab your spot,
click here to learn more and enroll! 

This is Deborah's story of why she created Mindset to Market, her signature group coaching program. To learn more visit Mindset to Market. 

Girl Makes Fire is a Luminous Creative Production.

Learn more about my signature coaching program, Mindset to Market, and get FREE resources at

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